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Article: Opportunistic Infections among People Living with HIV (PLHIV) with Diabetes Mellitus (DM) Attending a Tertiary Care Hospital in Coastal City of South India.

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Indira P; Kumar PM; Shalini S; Vaman K
PLoS ONE, 2015

10.1371/journal.pone.0136280.t002 Common Opportunistic infections confirmed clinically or by culture among patients with PLHIV-Diabetic and PLHIV.
Opportunistic infections PLHIV with DM n(%) PLHIV without DM n(%) p value*
Bacterial infections#
Extra pulmonary Tuberculosis 8(22)* 12(34.5) 0.43
Pulmonary tuberculosis 6(16) 6(16) 1.00
E.coli infection 4(11) 3(9) 1.00
Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection 2(5) 3(9) 1.00
S aureus infection 1(3) 2(5) 1.00
Fungal infections#
Oral Candidiasis 18(49) 13(35) 0.24
Candidiasis (other sites) 7(19) 3(8) 0.30
Cryptococcal meningitis 7(19) 6(16) 1.00
Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia 2(5) 7(18) 0.15
Aspergillus flavus infection 1(3) - -
Protozoal Infections#
Cerebral Toxoplasmosis 4(11) 5(13.5) 1.00
Cryptosporidiosis 3(8) - -
Giardia infection - 1(3) -
Viral infections#
CMV retinitis** 2(5) 3(8) 1.00
Herpes simplex infection 1(3) 1(3) 1.00
Hepatitis B infection 2(5) 1(2.7) 1.00
Herpes zoster infection - 2(5) -
Molluscum contagiosum - 1(3) -

#Pearsons Chi square and Fisher exact tests

* 3 out of 8 cases diagnosed histo-pathologically

**diagnosed clinically.

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